I expected that. Wars have the opposite effect. Now the resolution is really in sight
Anyone else notice that stocks shot up to an all time record high after the Democratic Triumph?norton ghost
Sorry, not quite accurate.
Anyone else notice that stocks shot up to an all time record high after the Democratic Triumph?software
Did they? I didn't notice!
Stocks are down sharply. Nice try, though.
yes, but it was over the thought that ''gridlock'' would stop any meddling in business interest. It wasn't a vote of confidence for either party.
Sorry to disappoint.
Not all of them.
I left some stocks on my kitchen table and when I came back from doing a pee they were all over the floor.
Flippin' cat
Most likely a temporary thing.
Oh, by the way, did you notice that stocks were at a record
high and had been continually going up prior to the ''democratic
Because Wall Street knows that a divided government means little progress, especially in the areas of increased regulation or increased taxation.
But why let the truth get in the way of your little fantasies...
Yeah, Bunchik. Aren't you paying attention?
ha ha ha,anyone notice stocks have been at a record high for monthes??? Watch what happens in a few monthes dip sticks.
not entirely accurate
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