Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Triumphs and tragedies of history.?

Can you please give me any event in history that is a tradegedy and a tirumph.

Triumphs and tragedies of history.?vista

The Battle of Trafalgar - Admiral Horatio Nelson defested the French fleet but lost his life in that same battle.

The commando raid in Entebbe airport - the Israeli commandos successfully freed the captives but their commander perished.

The completion of the great wall of China - it was a great human feat that kept China's northern enemies at bay but at a great cost in human lives.

The Allied victory in WW1 %26 the terms of the Versailles Treaty which eventually led to WW2 %26 even bigger casualties.

Triumphs and tragedies of history.?antispyware

1939-1945 World War II

1914-1918 Word War I

1861-1865 The American Civil War
How about the one plane(Flight 93) on 9/11 where the passengers stormed the cockpit and stopped those terrorists from crashing into some big target in DC (the Whitehouse? or Congress?)

It was a tragedy. Yet it was triumph too.

''Lets Roll!''
I would say the end to Hitlers reign. Ending his torture was a triumph but at the same time a tragedy because of the countless unspeakable acts he enforced.
holocost- tradgey

wining revoultion- triumph
something that is both good and bad; a paradox? Tragedy and Triumph?

Even though this is fictional: Romeo and Juliet, they both died unhappy but their death taught the families of what is more valuable.

Okay, got a good one: WWII

-brought america out of its economic depression by giving jobs to hundreds of thousands of people

-but it also started the use of nuclear weapons and the holocost and the death and destruction elsewhere

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