One triumph is he came out a prison an educated man, he admits this so himself when he tells how he spent his prison time, and if you compare it to his way of life before his jail time. His other triumph was writing his autobiography. His tragedy was believing that the white race was mutated mix of human beings and dogs, as well as getting shot down in public.
Triumphs and (or)tragedy of malcom X?viruses
I'm not sure he came out of prison ''an educated man,'' as J.S. (above) suggests. He knew how to read and write, and knew lots of stuff. I think he became truly a wise man when he went on the Hajj and found for himself that Muslims were all different colors, including blue-eyed, blond-hair people. It brought down his own racial prejudices.
Triumphs and (or)tragedy of malcom X?antispam
His triumph was persuading guilt ridden liberals that he was anything but a vile hate-ridden bloodthirsty corrupt pervert.
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