Friday, August 20, 2010

Over the last 50 years, what do you feel the biggest triumph for LGBT individuals in your area has b

When the city I live in passed a law prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing and public accommodations.

Over the last 50 years, what do you feel the biggest triumph for LGBT individuals in your area has been?computer

Lawrence v. Texas

Over the last 50 years, what do you feel the biggest triumph for LGBT individuals in your area has been?free spyware

Forcing further immorality upon society as a whole.

But I'm sure most would think it was the DADT policy (Don't AskDon't Tell policy) that BJ Bill forced on us.
The fact that I as an gay Asian man have been selected as a leather titleholder that represents the entire Los Angeles Gay Lesbian Pride festival for the year 2006 - 2007 speaks volumes about the progress and triumph for the local LGBTQ community. There is still lots of work to be done for this great community and I am working toward the common goal of equality for all regardless of any type of label. I am but one small and proud part of this progress.
I guess in my area, the fact that civil unions are an option.
Our community has come together and we protest sports stars and politicians who make statements against our community.
The next town over was one of the first in the nation to pass anti-discrimination laws on the basis of sexual orientation, and more recently an openly transsexual woman ran for mayor.
We don't get killed around here anymore
Theres less violence against us
Lawrence vs. Texas allows me to enjoy intimacy with my partner any way I wish in the privacy of my home or hotel room.

I live in Seattle. Our governor signed a bill into law which allows domestic partners full civil rights.

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