Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Im doing a report on a person/event in history..?

and it has to be about the triumph or tragedy of an event or what the person did.

for example: the creation of penicillin a triumph or tragedy? or women's roles in WWll: triumph or tragedy? etc. etc.

so i've narrowed it down to a few topics, but can't decide which to choose. the paper has to be 1500-2500 words also.

so i was wondering..out of these which would be easiest to write a paper on, most interesting, etc.:

Ray Kroc: Fast Food Changes America

Saladin: Crusades

Winston Churchill: Fight Against Tyranny

The Triumphant and Tragic Voyage of Christopher Columbus

Creation of the State of Israel

Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii: Destruction of a Culture

Vincent Van Gogh: The Triumph and Tragedy of Genius

Relocation of Japanese Durning WWll

Joseph Stalin and the Purge of Russia

Galileo: Triumphant Discoveries, Tragic Life

Social Securtiy Act, 1935

It would be a great help if you could help me narrow it down even more!

Im doing a report on a person/event in history..?

Well, honestly there are many factors in deciding each of these have good points and bad points, You should really decide on what interests you. I might go with the creation of the State of Israel, simply because it has many far-reaching ties, you can connect in to World War II, and modern day conflicts, plus it should be easy to find information relevant to your subject.

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